Professional design, development and production of digital encoder, electronic switch and high and low voltage connector
Minitype seesaw switch

- Seesaw switch is to switch the circuit on or off by flipping the switch handle, so as to achieve the purpose of switching the circuit.
- The commonly used varieties of seesaw switches are single-pole double-position, single-pole triple-position, double-pole double-position and double-pole triple-position.
- It is generally used in low-voltage circuits, and has the characteristics of flexible slider action and stable and reliable performance.
- Seesaw switch is widely used in: a variety of instruments/instrumentation equipment, a variety of electric toys, fax machines, audio equipment, medical equipment, beauty equipment, and other electronic products.
This product can be used in many fields, can meet the customer's various dimensions and gram force

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Official website:www.ttc9.com
Official flagship store:https://ttc9.taobao.com
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Official shopping mall: www.ttcswitches.com